Galina Gomzina
Russian Masters'
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Galina Gomzina

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Born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Graduated from Saint-Petersburg Art and Industry Academy
named after Stieglitz, design department.
Member of International Art Fund and Artist Union of Russia.
Since 2009 has been in an Association of Marine Artists of Russia.

Has had many personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

I have been interested in art since childhood,
could spent hours at this activity.
With a thrill in the heart I admired watercolors,
but could never imagine that I would be working in this technique.
Water colors had been a mystery which I wanted to touch but did not dare.
Only after graduation form the academy I began to master this by myself.
I still wonder at its opportunities and with each new work I discover a new world.


In my art I prefer seascape, cityscape and flowers.
I work in A la Prima technique.
To my mind, it fully allows to show all the possibilities of watercolors.
It requires full devotion in work and much energy, errors
and corrections are excluded. It is a challenge and I like it.

Most of all I like themes with water with surrounding nature,
architecture when reflecting gains wondrous shapes and turns mysterious.
Water is a creator, artists making its works for a moment
which then disappear giving way to the new creations.
And to catch these moments and to transfer them onto the paper is an exciting process.


Working in a realistic manner I do not tend to photographically show the objects.
It is more important to catch the spirit and impression of what I see.
I want to make a painting alive, not a part of an interior but a live part of our world.




Sanny Cadaques - watercolors, paper

Price: $1,150.00 USD
€ 1,150 EUR

Product ID: 26908


Marina Puerto Banus - watercolors, paper

Price: $1,080.00 USD
€ 1,080 EUR

Product ID: 26907


Lions In Water. Saint Petersburg - watercolors, paper

Price: $1,420.00 USD
€ 1,420 EUR

Product ID: 26906


Bay Of Cadaques - watercolors, paper

Price: $1,285.00 USD
€ 1,285 EUR

Product ID: 26905


Irises - watercolors, paper

Price: $880.00 USD
€ 880 EUR

Product ID: 26904


In The Ray Of The Sunshine - watercolors, paper

Price: $880.00 USD
€ 880 EUR

Product ID: 26903


Apples At The Window - watercolors, paper

Price: $810.00 USD
€ 810 EUR

Product ID: 26902


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