Mukhamedov Ulughbek
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Mukhamedov Ulughbek

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It is written a lot about Ulughbek Mukhamedov in different western newspapers.
There have been some programs about the artist on TV and also broadcasted by Radio Svoboda.
There are some Ulughbek’s works in some personal collections in Europe, Asia and Americas.
The Artist takes part in several foreign art exhibitions.

    “Ulughbek Mukhamedov is a rare art phenomenon.
It is no coincidence that Ulughbek’s works amaze even the worldly-wise artists.
His filigree technique and his ability to reproduce a deep content by some artistic means startle people in his water-colors.
That’s why Ulughbek’s tiny works look like the big epic canvases,
which tell us about the people of Uzbekistan, their history and culture."
(From a letter of a group of 20 artists from different countries –
USA, Uzbekistan, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Israel, Moldavia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Bulgaria).

    Ulughbek Mukhamedov uses an unique technique of black tea,
which he worked on his own in 2000 year.
This technique does for the plots of oriental themes especially for Old Bukhara.

    Tell a little, but show much,
here's the basic principle of an outstanding Artist of our time Ulughbek Dzuraevich.

    Mukhamedov, an Artist of graphics,
a Master of watercolors recreated in his work the spirit of medieval East.
Images, sung by the artist, regarded as a waking dream.
His filigree technique and the ability of small artistic
means to convey a profound content strike in his watercolors.
His tiny size works look like large canvases with an epic philosophical sound
telling about the life of the Uzbek people, their history and culture.

     Amazingly, but in the works of Ulugbek you see that is not shown.
The pictures generate so bright images, revealing the depths of the essence of the story,
that the viewer subconscious depictures the scene.
This is truly unique.

     Ulughbek Mukhamedov - a rare phenomenon in art.
His works has plunged by surprise even worldly-wise venerable artists.
The image in the image, almost like a dream within a dream,
that's the meaning of his method.

  The creativity of Ulughbek Mukhamedov -
a vast field for research, the art historians and the cultural scientists have yet to study his paintings
since in them are laid a phenomenal concept in the art of giving a new impetus
and offering great opportunities for the development of world art.



Street With A Dome Of The Mosque - watercolor, paper Arches

Price: $270.00 USD
€ 270 EUR

Product ID: 24481


Rest On The Way - ink, paper canson

Price: $270.00 USD
€ 270 EUR

Product ID: 24480


Cattle Bazaar - paper Arches, watercolor Daniel Smith

Price: $1,500.00 USD
€ 1,500 EUR

Product ID: 21781


Medresseh Chor-minor In Bukhara - paper Arches, oak bark, antiktushe

Price: $1,080.00 USD
€ 1,080 EUR

Product ID: 21780


View Of The Ruins Of The Bibi Khanum In Samarkand - paper Arches, watercolor Daniel Smith

Price: $1,500.00 USD
€ 1,500 EUR

Product ID: 21779


Caravan-serai In Bukhara - paper Arches, oak bark, antiktushe

Price: $1,500.00 USD
€ 1,500 EUR

Product ID: 21778


Caravan In Desert - paper Arches, watercolor Lukas

Price: $1,500.00 USD
€ 1,500 EUR

Product ID: 21777


Thought On The Road - paper Arches, watercolor Lukas

Price: $1,350.00 USD
€ 1,350 EUR

Product ID: 21766


Buzkashi - paper Canson, oak bark, schreibtinte (writing ink)

Price: $270.00 USD
€ 270 EUR

Product ID: 21765


In The Old Part Of The City - paper Arches, bister

Price: $340.00 USD
€ 340 EUR

Product ID: 21764


Game Buzkashi - paper Arches, watercolor Daniel Smith

Price: $540.00 USD
€ 540 EUR

Product ID: 21763


Road To The Mosque Hazrat Khidr In Samarkand - paper Arches, watercolor Lukas

Price: $810.00 USD
€ 810 EUR

Product ID: 21762


Winter In Samarkand - paper Arches, watercolor Lukas

Price: $1,620.00 USD
€ 1,620 EUR

Product ID: 21761


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