Ivashenko Ruslan
Russian Masters'
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Old Koshovka - oil, canvas
Romashko Evgeny

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Kolaktionova Julia

Ivashenko Ruslan

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I was born in 1986 in Yalta, Crimea.
There I started painting.

Impressionists’ tradition is very strong in the Crimea.
Many great masters came from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg here to work in plein air with landscape.  

I moved to Kiev to enter Art Academy and I had known what I would dedicate my works to.
Now art is both the meaning of my life and happiness.

To see the sea, to hear the sound of waves, to breathe the conifer Crimean air –
I need it and without it I cannot work. 
I take a new canvas and paints make wonderful harmony of colors which I could not imagine.



When I paint and exhibit my works, 
I want the viewers to feel what I feel and see.

I consider myself a follower of a harmonic Crimean artistic school
and want to bring joy with my paintings.




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