Sergeev Sergey
Russian Masters'
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Sergeev Sergey

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Born in 1949, Moscow
Finished Art school with an honor and graduated from Moscow Art Institute named after V. Surikov.
Since 1976 has been a member of Artist’s Union of the USSR.
Since 1971 has been participating in exhibitions and holding his personal exhibitions. 
His works are in galleries, museums and private collections in Russia and abroad. 
Works in the traditions of Russian realistic school.
Since childhood Sergey absorbed the atmosphere of creative attitude to work,
love for Motherland and remembrance of those who died protecting the Russian land at war.
At the beginning of 80-ies the artist paints the series of portraits -
villagers, workers, scientists, military, families, children, etc.
Each portrait is the description of character, life and destiny




In his landscapes the artist analyzes what he can see and paints in a realistic manner.
“I have always tried to understand the difference between the work of a Master and a craftsman.
To my mind, each person is given two opportunities since he is born - to create and to continue the Family.
And the person who can find out his true destiny becomes a creator.
It does not matter what exactly he does, it is important that he can pass his strength, intelligence and experience.
Talent is the way of influence on other people.
Great masterpieces emanate powerful energy;
that is why the artist who has this power has to realize the responsibility for others - do not harm!”


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