Rybakova Irina
Russian Masters'
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Rybakova Irina

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Irina was born in Vyshny Volochok, Tver region.
She was influenced by such great artists as A. Levitin, N. Kolupayev, M. Kugach.
She worked as a part of the artistic group “Academical dacha” in Vyshny Volochok.
In 1991 she entered Kostroma department of Artist’s Union of Russia.

Rybakova actively promotes the contemporary realistic school in art in mass media.
She is a famous Master of landscape and genre.
The world of Russian village and the image of a village worker are the dearest to her.
Her works show her love for Russian nature,
to the source of the Russian character and culture.

Her art is appreciated in Russia and abroad.
Art museums and art collectors are proud to have her works in their collections.
She has been awarded with diplomas and honors.





It is not easy for the realistic painting to exist in the era of computers and digital cameras,
when the artistic methods prevail and are aimed to deform and deconstruct the space.
The civilization gave loans as installations from empty beer bottles and rusty nails and similar kind of art.
It is time to return the debt, but we have nothing to pay with.
The humanity, fed on pop-art and conceptual art, feels monstrous moral and spiritual emptiness.

The artistic views of Irina Rybakova are different. 
The will to keep to the tradition does not limit but gives her freedom.
The canon helps artist’s self-organization, self-demand and separation the truth from presence.




The works of Irina show good painting school and her being sensitive to the beauty of the world.
Her works have the best traditions of realistic landscape where the nature is like a mirror and reflects the feelings of the human.
Soviet painting school also had a great influence on Irina.
Her main theme is unshowy but spiritually rich world of nature in Middle Russia.
The landscape artist has advantage over the portrait Artist - the nature never insists on similarity.
Irina’s landscapes show the type of personality who can see the inner light in Russian nature.


Irina does not like landscapes without humans; there is always presence of people.
But there is the feeing of the loss, as it is obvious
that there used to be a human there and might not be anymore.
And the reason is the attack of the urbanized style of living on the traditional style of life.

Irina herself has this contradiction.
As a person she is well integrated into the technocratic, non-sentimental civilization,
but as an Artist she rejects it.


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Bright Summer Day - oil, canvas

Price: $1,285.00 USD
$ 1,285 USD

Product ID: 21909


Savior Of The Apple Feast Day - oil, canvas

Price: $6,360.00 USD
$ 6,360 USD

Product ID: 21908


Blossoming - oil, canvas

Price: $810.00 USD
$ 810 USD

Product ID: 21907


Phloxes - oil, canvas

Price: $3,375.00 USD
$ 3,375 USD

Product ID: 21906


Phloxes - oil, canvas

Price: $1,080.00 USD
$ 1,080 USD

Product ID: 21905


At The Old School - oil, canvas

Price: $1,000.00 USD
$ 1,000 USD

Product ID: 21904


Bathhouse Is Being Heated - oil, canvas

Price: $5,400.00 USD
$ 5,400 USD

Product ID: 21903


Saturday - oil, canvas

Price: $8,775.00 USD
$ 8,775 USD

Product ID: 21902


Old Poplar Trees - oil, canvas

Price: $6,750.00 USD
$ 6,750 USD

Product ID: 21901


Old School In The Village Of Podol - oil, canavs

Price: $7,695.00 USD
$ 7,695 USD

Product ID: 21900


Old Alley - oil, canvas

Price: $1,215.00 USD
$ 1,215 USD

Product ID: 21899


The Herd Is Returning - oil, canvas

Price: $5,265.00 USD
$ 5,265 USD

Product ID: 21898


The Herb Of Gout-weed - oil, canvas

Price: $5,265.00 USD
$ 5,265 USD

Product ID: 21897


From Fishing - oil, canvas

Price: $1,755.00 USD
$ 1,755 USD

Product ID: 21896


Chamomile Field - oil, canvas

Price: $1,000.00 USD
$ 1,000 USD

Product ID: 21895


Chamomiles - oil, canvas

Price: $1,285.00 USD
$ 1,285 USD

Product ID: 21894


Rosebush - oil, canvas

Price: $2,025.00 USD
$ 2,025 USD

Product ID: 21893


Dubrovka River - oil, canvas

Price: $540.00 USD
$ 540 USD

Product ID: 21892


Sunflowers - oil, canvas

Price: $945.00 USD
$ 945 USD

Product ID: 21891


Christmas Tree - oil, canvas

Price: $9,450.00 USD
$ 9,450 USD

Product ID: 21890


At The Lake - oil, canvas

Price: $7,425.00 USD
$ 7,425 USD

Product ID: 21889


Page 1 of 2 .

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