Pitsko Gennady
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Pitsko Gennady

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I was born in Grodno, Belorussia in 1970.

We lived in the village of Sopotskino, 30 km from Grodno,
I was prone to child diseases and my parents could not baptize me.
When I was half a year old, I got a heavy infection, emergency was called and mother,
grandmother and me went to the city hospital.
On the way there the doctor asked if I was baptized or not,
mother said ‘no’ and the doctor said that I would not survive to the hospital.
There was a catholic church on the way and the doctor offered to baptize me there.
So the priest of that church became my godfather and God gave me life.





When I was in the kindergarten, I drew, sculpted and everyone was saying
that I would make an artist or a sculptor.
At school in the second year I knew for sure that I would be an Artist.
My parents moved to the village of Vertelishki, 12 km from Grodno.
In my 6th grade I went to the Pioneer House 3 times a week for art lessons.
School was not of interest to me anymore, I was thinking only of painting.
After school I entered Art College in Bobruisk, ceramic department.
All relatives tried to talk me out of the art, telling me that
people of the art are hungry drunkards and moneyless,
but I had chosen my way. I studied 2 years.





Then 2 years I served in the army, the border with Afghanistan.
After the army I started my working life.
Parents helped me to build a small ceramic workshop but half a year later it got burnt.
I did not have money to rebuild it so I started painting instead.
It did not bring a lot of money though.
In 1994 I got married, then a child was born and I really had hard times with money.
For more than 15 years were lived in debt.
I sold the picture, I bought canvas and oil, my wife asked ”where is the money”,
and there was not enough even for food.
I do not know why, but I had always believed that everything would be fine one day.
Because of debts, I got up at 4 in the morning and went to paint.
And one day the buyer showed interest to my works and there came galleries and more buyers.



The life is good now.
I have two daughters, Dominika and Kamilla and my wonderful wife Irina.
In life I understood the main thing – you get everything through the hard work.
I am glad that I do what I like.



Tea Party - oil, canvas

Price: $1,620.00 USD
€ 1,620 EUR

Product ID: 21505


Queen - oil, canvas

Price: $1,620.00 USD
€ 1,620 EUR

Product ID: 21504


Master And Margarita - oil, canvas

Price: $1,620.00 USD
€ 1,620 EUR

Product ID: 21503


Girl-friends - oil, canvas

Price: $1,620.00 USD
€ 1,620 EUR

Product ID: 21502


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