Blinov Konstantin
Russian Masters'
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Blinov Konstantin

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“I think that an Artist’s works represent an Artist himself,
and a viewer, when looking at them,
is able to guess and feel what an Artist wants to say. 
Of course it can happen that an Artist will not carry the message
or a viewer will not understand something in the painting, or both.
But I think that each artist looks for his own admirer."

"I feel that the world is beautiful.  
More precise, the Nature is and it influences the feelings
which I try to express through paints on canvas.

My favorite genre is landscape;
it excites me most of all.
I cannot find the proper words to describe my thrill when I paint Nature.
I just want people to feel the same when they look at my works.
If this happens, everything is correct and the work is done as it is supposed to be.   

Portrait also thrills me.  
Though, when making a portrait,
the priority is composition and Artistic means.

    Paintings are like conversation between an Artist and a viewer
in a special language, which I really enjoy.

I was born in Kaluga in 1978. 
I studied in Children’s Art School;
in 2003 I graduated from Kaluga regional Culture College.
In 2009 I graduated from Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow,
department of painting and portrait.
Since 2010, I have been exhibiting my works with Altai Union of Traditions and Contemporary Times.
Since 2011, I have been a member of Russian Artists’ Union.
In 2008 I was awarded a diploma for significant input into the culture.
My works are housed in the English Embassy in Moscow,
museum of the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
and in private collections in Russia and abroad.
I also participate in various exhibitions.” 


Please, also see Konstantin's wife artworks:
Blinova Julia


Still Life


Genre Scene









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