Svetlana Korotkikh - Fedoskino lacquer painting.
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Svetlana Korotkikh - Fedoskino lacquer painting.

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Svetlana was born in Voronezh district
and at age 3 was stricken with polio and became paralyzed.

Till she was 8, she lived in hospitals and resorts,
but all the doctors could do was enable her to move with the help of crutches,
still an improvement over being condemned to bed.

Because of her condition, the girl could not attend a regular school and had to be home schooled.
The social service could only offer a residence in a boarding school for disabled children
in the city of Mariinsk, in the Kemerovo region of Siberia -- 6,000km from home.
Torn by her love for her daughter and her wish for her to have a chance of a better life,
her mother reluctantly decided to send her daughter to this boarding school.

Svetlana’s memories of the boarding school are as happy as one could hope for a child living so far from home.
She had wonderful and demanding teachers and received an excellent education.
At the boarding school the children were educated beyond book learning.
Svetlana studied arts, crafts and was an eager reader.
Children were taught to do nearly everything- sewing, knitting, clay modeling, papier-mâché, gardening,
but most of all Sveta enjoyed painting.
She used every moment to paint her thoughts on paper.

Being limited physically, her unlimited imagination carried her away to different worlds.
Sveta painted her fantasies.
Her works were exhibited in competitions of children’s art and were awarded many times.
Her favorite theme was landscape, because nature stunned, enchanted and thrilled her with its beauty.
Svetlana find wonder in a falling leaf, dew sparkling like a diamond and beads of raindrops on a curvy branch.
Everything she could not reach in life,
she could gain through her art,
which was her own world where her abilities had no restrictions.

After boarding school, Svetlana entered Fedoskino College in the Moscow region.
An honor student, she graduated in 1976 and started her career at Fedoskino Plant.
Everything she read about came closer to her -- Moscow, The Kremlin, theatres, Tretiakov Gallery, exhibitions, etc.

When the famous “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci was exhibited in Moscow, she was lucky to see this masterpiece.
She remembers her feelings -- she could not believe that she, a little girl from a tiny village,
condemned to a limited disabled life, was the one who could see this painting, live in the capital of Russia.
All this inspired her to create more and give her life a special purpose.

Svetlana is grateful for everyone she meets.
She is lucky to have met good people who helped her physically and mentally.
She can live a normal life as a creative person.
She is happy to be able to express herself through her art and share her happiness with those who buy her works.
She actively participates in numerous exhibitions in Russia and abroad, winning many awards.
Her works show optimism, warmth and light, no matter if it is a portrait or a landscape.
She is open-hearted, sociable and kind to everyone around her,
although her life cannot be called an easy one.



Scarlett Flower - a box, Fedoskino lacquer painting technique
This artwork is sold and in a private collection

Autumn - a box, Fedoskino lacquer painting technique

Price: $647.00 USD
$ 647 USD

Product ID: 18603


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