Korolenkov Viacheslav
Russian Masters'
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Korolenkov Viacheslav

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“I love life the way it is;
I do not want to change this world.
It is perfect!”




Born in Tula, 1958. Graduated from  Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry  in 1988.

 I. Pankratov was a teacher of drawing and N. Feshin had a great influence during the years of study.
I am obliged with my art interest to K. Koroving and French impressionists.
At the moment I live and work in Moscow.

 A Chinese wizard told to his student:
” If you want to become an artist, for 15 years you must learn, then for 15 years you must not take a brush in your hands.
And only after that you might become an artist.” It is amazing that it happened this way in my life.
After graduating from Stroganov University I worked about 3 years and then I had a 15-years break.
It was important for me to understand what I was,
what I was born for and why I was the way I was and what I had to do with that.
Without understanding this I did not feel the right to show others my revelations in art.



Only now I feel ecstasy when painting. I did not feel it before.
This magic feeling of the flight leads the brush with paint on the canvas,
it rules, from this a creation is being born. I can say that my main teacher is joy.
Of course, there were teachers who passed me their skills, there were ideals in art.
But my main teacher is each day which gives me an opportunity to breathe, smile, and be with friends and relations.
It is the biggest miracle to be who you are and to live the life as it is.
I do not want to show anything to the viewer because I do not mean to change this world.
It is perfect. It evolves by its own rules. And when I was lucky to understand them, I stopped improving it.
I simply live and watch everything changes.
I feel the unity with the space around me when I paint or simply sit looking in front of me.
It is IT which, with my hand, squeezes paints onto the palette, mixes the color I need and puts the strokes.
When I paint, I disappear.
There is the process of painting and energy of creativity.
This is what a viewer can sense. 




Master-class of Viacheslav Korolenkov


Viacheslav Korolenkov: The Artist And The Human Being







Genre Scene


Still Life









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